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Wind Chimes By The Sea.

Fresh Theme and Variety.

What makes Beetashok Chatterjee’s collection unique, is the freshness of the theme. Rarely do we get to read about different aspects of a sailor’s life, penned by a veteran sea captain himself.

Also, what’s amazing indeed, is the variety. Though all 11 stories have the Sea as a common factor, each piece transports you into a different country and a different era. It’s fun to read the sailors’ lingo, their adventures, their hardships at an unpredictable ocean journey and them coming out victorious. Honestly, until I read Windchimes By The Sea, I was pretty unaware of all these.

The author beautifully encompasses the 1971 India- Pakistan war, the modern Covid era, sea storms at a hostile sea, the incomplete love lives of sailors in their limited time on land… But the story that shook me the most was FROZEN, what it means to be stuck in frozen waters, brought chills down my spine.

The language is ornate and poetic, the author has tastefully played with words and phrases. Beetashok Chatterjee Sir succeeds in capturing action, drama, romance, battles, emotions and turmoil, with his 11 diverse sea tales.

Absolutely enjoyed reading this. Strongly recommended.

My Rating : 4/5

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