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I had the good fortune to read Kalpana Manivannan’s ‘Farmer Sutra’ and I have to say, it is unputdownable. You begin with the first page and the book keeps you so engaged, that you wouldn’t wish to leave before finishing it all off.

Real Life Account

It is a true story, a real-life account of how the author realized her dream of farming, transforming herself from a busy city teacher to a full-time farmer.  She gave up on a lucrative job for nature, for agriculture. And the reason is what impressed me the most. To provide fresh, organic, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic food, to her children and future generations.  It’ s so significant these days, because when I read about the kind of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and colouring agents being added to the vegetables, I actually freeze at the thought of what I am actually consuming. Kalpana’s dedication to tackle these problems by setting up her own farm, is incredible.

Passion for Organic Farming

As you progress, the author makes you realize how difficult in fact, farming is. The proper season, the exact space, time, the type of soil, and careful germination, all these are so important. The author has succeeded in making me respect our farmers all the more.  There’s so much research that goes behind sowing every seed, so many workshops to be attended, kudos to the author for juggling her job, family and her farming passion.

Immaculate Language and Flow

Also, the book is not a bit monotonous. The author has combined her family matters, her children, her husband, her teaching job, and the farming process, all into a small book, with a sprinkling of humour, reality and positivity. The language is simple and perfect. The flow is so smooth, it keeps you hooked.

Moreover, she has also provided tips about how to grow certain vegetables at home, like tomatoes, chillies, pumpkin, and bitter gourd. I have marked those pages, I wish to try as well, the author effectively draws your interest into small scale farming. There are recipes to bake your own bread and prepare jams and sauces.

Farmer Sutra has opened my eyes to organic farming, compost making, and sustainable living. It’s so inspiring to know that there are humans like the author, who endure all kinds of challenges to protect nature, the beautiful birds, and pollinating insects. I would love to visit her KalpaVriksha Farm once. True, when you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.

Must Read

Kalpana Manivannan’s Farmer Sutra is a must-read. Inspiring and important in today’s times. A book that makes you think and reflect. That in spite of all hustle and bustle in your city life, you can still return back to nature and perhaps do your bit. I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend this book to everyone.

My Rating: 5/5

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