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A feeble knock at the door, her heart raced. Bracing herself, she flung it open. Crouching on the floor was a little boy, drenched in the torrential rains. Darkness engulfed them, so she ushered him in.

Extending a piece of paper, the child stared listlessly. Fumbling, with shaky hands, she tore open the envelope.

“Gulzar, that’s his name Amma. He is an orphan. I brought this on him, remember the college politics I was part of and you advised against? Join I did, for a greater cause, for the students and the society. Knowing little, that I was being brainwashed and used. Labelling me the future, they handed me the weapon. Mesmerized and influenced, I struck an innocent man and his spouse.

Neither the comrades nor the leaders came to my rescue. Only made me realize, that I was exploited to slay a righteous man. Police issued a warrant, by the time you read this, I might be arrested or shot. Quelling the opposition, they rose to power and this kid was denied justice.

Religions preach love, that politics kill. Sadly, I don’t know if we’ll ever meet Amma. Take him in, guide him, perhaps I could atone for my sins.”

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