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Note: This story was placed winner at BTB contest, June 2024
I wake up to the deafening sirens, there’s huge commotion since morning. Humans are being lifted off the debris, some wounded, some forever silent. I had predicted the landslide, I howled all night. And they hurled stones.
But when the ground beneath began sliding down fiercely, I noticed a screaming little boy dangling over the cliff, holding on to a thin branch. Poor thing, I clutched his shirt with my mouth and pulled him over.
Oh, there she comes, that woman, Paru. Followed by a band of humans flashing lights at me, clicking away.
Wonder what transpired, she’s been hugging and kissing me, shedding copious tears. Her husband and friends follow suit, showering me with love, and not the customary pebbles. Honestly, I don’t trust them. I had once eaten out of Paru’s basket and the thrashing I received…
I had been hungry for days, I’m no thief.
Meanwhile, Paru places garlands around my neck. She tells the flashlight people that I’m God, I rescued her son.
Paru, not just me, every member of my kin has a heart that cares, that feels.
And Paru, I abhor camphor and flowers. I don’t need your pedestal or food.
Just, Don’t Harm.
#petlove #pets #dogs

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